Wrongful Death: The AIDS Trial

Wrongful Death: The AIDS Trial
by Stephen Davis
WRONGFUL DEATH: The AIDS Trial is the true story of how government lies and incompetence, gross medical malpractice, and unbridled greed by a drug company cost 300,000 American lives in just ten years.Follow along with attorney Benjamin Messick and health reporter Sarah Meadows in this fictitious class-action lawsuit to prove that in the decade from 1987 to 1997, three-hundred-thousand Americans died not from some horrible disease caused by a virus, but as a result of taking the very drug they were told would help them. Urged on by their doctors, parents, families and loved-ones, these HIV-positives took AZT, a drug originally designed and created in 1964 to kill cancer cells, but found to be far too toxic to a human body because it destroyed the immune system.
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