Tomorrow Project Anthology: Conversations About the Future

What kind of future do you want to live in? What kind of future should we avoid? What is your wildest request of the future? Brian David Johnson, Intel’s futurist, asks these questions of scientists and engineers, legends and luminaries, science fiction authors and recognized experts. Their visions, stories and passionate arguments are collected here. The Tomorrow Project Anthology invites you to join the conversation and change the future.
Let’s get one thing straight: the future is not set. The future is not some fixed point just over the horizon that we are all helplessly hurtling towards. No. We are not powerless. The future is not written. The future is made every day by the actions of people. Because of this I have always believed that everyone should be an active participant in the future. If we are all making it and we are all going to live in it then why not do something about it individually.
Now you might argue that you alone cannot have any real or meaningful effect on the future. You are just one person. What could you do to help shape the future? Well, I’ll tell you-you can do a lot.