The Flow of Life

The flow of life looks at the world through the captivating eyes of extraordinary poetry and gentle thoughts. On this journey, we slowly go through different aspects in every chapter, digging deeper into the mysteries of this world and our life. We’ll realize that the pain never means the end and that the light in the tunnel is always possible. In every stage of life, we can always decide our next step and these pages are the guidelines to remember us our true worth in this world. We’ll learn to flow with everything. With life, with the world and with ourselves.
Dear readers,
My first collection of the poetry and of the beautiful thoughts is in front of you. It will lead you on an amazing journey, to the depths of your own life and your profound essence. Together we explore the mysteries and mysticism around us, as we build the road to the light, right to the center of our hearts. It is a book made with the love and care for the good of all of us, in order to be able to discover the true values of life together and realize that we are all one and that we all have the possibility to change our life at all times, here and now.
We have the power to truly lead our lives. At this moment. Here and now. I hope that reading this book will give you the same joy as I had to write it.