The D Word: A Personal Story of Struggle with Depression and the Road to Recovery

This ebook is personal. It’s my personal encounter with Depression and how it affected my life and some of the activities / tools / believes that helped me overcome it and recover from it.
I tried to keep it brief, to the point and not too personal. It is not an exhaustive retelling of all the details of my recovery process and the big work that was done inside therapy and outside of it.
This ebook is not the ultimate guide to recover from Depression, what I did to recover won’t necessarily work for anyone as not everyone experiences mental illness the same way. It’s very relative and the treatment varies according to the person’s personal situation.
What I hope this ebook will be is a silver lining of hope to anyone drowning in the dark cloud of Depression, a proof that it is not an insurmountable mountain and that with giving yourself the necessary time, space and tools, it is possible to cross over to the other side, the bright side where you are to regain your forces.
I also hope you find it in you to give the recovery tools I shared a try and see if they make but a little shift inside, like a little boost of energy that makes holding on to life a more appealing option.
With all my love and respect, I put before your eyes this ebook, because you are not alone and the road to recovery doesn’t have to be a loneley one.