Successful Stock Trading – A Guide To Profitability

Successful Stock Trading – A Guide To Profitability
by Nick Radge
Your aim is to be profitable. My aim is to help you understand how to make yourself profitable.
There may not appear to be a profound difference in the above statements, but let’s remember that the vast majority of traders, and active investors for that matter, are losers – or, at best, marginal winners. However, with a change in thinking and to the way you manage your trades, you can become a profitable trader.
It is not about how often you win but how much you win when you win and how much you lose when you lose. I will show you how to skew the numbers in your favour.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Successful Stock Trading – A Guide To Profitability – 64 pages, 2,225 KB (PDF)
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