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Practical Tips for Software-Intensive Student Projects: 3rd Edition

Practical Tips for Software-Intensive Student Projects: 3rd Edition

This book is intended for students who have to do a software-intensive team project as part of their course of study. Most students find it hard to apply theories they previously learnt in the context of an actual project. This book is an attempt to help such students. It is a collection of bite-sized practical tips gathered from my software engineering experience (both as an educator and a practitioner) and from many excellent books and articles on the topic.

How To Use

  • Students: Use this book to guide you in your project. It might not fit your project exactly, as project courses differ widely.
  • Educators: This book can be used as supplementary text for your course. If you are an experienced educator, there are probably many tips you could add to this collection.
  • Practitioners: Although not specifically targeted at practitioners, this book can help newly recruited programmers. More importantly, as practising software engineers of today, you could help all educators do a better job of training tomorrow’s practitioners.

Practical Tips for Software-Intensive Student Projects: 3rd Edition

by Damith C. Rajapakse (Online reading only) – 14 Chapters

Practical Tips for Software-Intensive Student Projects: 3rd Edition by Damith C. Rajapakse