Introduction to Information Retrieval

The book aims to provide a modern approach to information retrieval from a computer science perspective. This book is the result of a series of courses we have taught at Stanford University and at the University of Stuttgart, in a range of durations including a single quarter, one semester and two quarters. These courses were aimed at early-stage graduate students in computer science, but we have also had enrollment from upper-class computer science undergraduates, as well as students from law, medical informatics, statistics, linguistics and various engineering disciplines. The key design principle for this book, therefore, was to cover what we believe to be important in a one-term graduate course on information retrieval.
The first eight chapters of the book are devoted to the basics of information retrieval, and in particular the heart of search engines; we consider this material to be core to any course on information retrieval.
- Chapter 1 introduces inverted indexes, and shows how simple Boolean queries can be processed using such indexes.
- Chapter 2 builds on this introduction by detailing the manner in which documents are preprocessed before indexing and by discussing how inverted indexes are augmented in various ways for functionality and speed.
- Chapter 3 discusses search structures for dictionaries and how to process queries that have spelling errors and other imprecise matches to the vocabulary in the document collection being searched.
- Chapter 4 describes a number of algorithms for constructing the inverted index from a text collection with particular attention to highly scalable and distributed algorithms that can be applied to very large collections.
- Chapter 5 covers techniques for compressing dictionaries and inverted indexes. These techniques are critical for achieving subsecond response times to user queries in large search engines. The indexes and queries considered in introicompress only deal with Boolean retrieval, in which a document either matches a query, or does not.
- A desire to measure the extent to which a document matches a query, or the score of a document for a query, motivates the development of term weighting and the computation of scores in Chapters 6 & 7, leading to the idea of a list of documents that are rank-ordered for a query.
- Chapter 8 focuses on the evaluation of an information retrieval system based on the relevance of the documents it retrieves, allowing us to compare the relative performances of different systems on benchmark document collections and queries.