How to Price Your Product or Service Just Right

How to Price Your Product or Service Just Right
by Courtney Hines
If you are trying to sell something on the Internet, pricing your services/ products would be the single most important decision you will take. Since, the Internet provides thousands of alternatives to the customers, you need to be at par with the competition. The prices that you quite will determine how long you can stay in the market.
You need to acquire a clear cut idea about pricing. To what extent can you push it? How often do you need to review the prices? A lot would depend on how you handle this stage of business. You have to pinpoint a consumer group to begin with and then estimate how much they would be willing to pay for your services or products.
But besides that you also have to ensure that you make some profit for yourself. And quite often these two demands can be in conflict with each other. Different people use different techniques to set the prices of their products. Some of them have a scientific basis and some do not. Given below is one such procedure which works with an understanding of the production cost, customer expectations and other players in the field.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
How to Price Your Product or Service Just Right – 31 pages (PDF)
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