58 Free Ebooks on Cooking and Healthy Recipes for Everyone

Food should taste good, but it should also be good for you. That’s the philosophy behind this collection of free ebooks and recipes. You’ll find simple, easy-to-prepare dishes that offer plenty of nutrition, few calories, low fat, and few if any, processed ingredients. You’ll find recipes for everything from basic to advanced cooking and baking, ranging from Cooking, Food & Wine, Baking Recipes, Beverages, Celebrity and TV Chef Cookbooks, Childrens Cookery Books, Cooking for Parties, General Cookery Recipes, Healthy Food, National and Regional Cuisine, Non Vegetarian Recipies, Preserving & Freezing and Vegetarian Recipes. If you’re looking for any of this, or perhaps a new way to prepare a favorite food, you have come to the right place. Cooking can be a wonderful way to bring family and friends together as they share memorable moments in good company.
Cooking, Food & Wine
- The Golden Rule Cookbook: 600 Recipes for Meatless Dishes by M.R.L. Sharpe
- Gourmet Garden Salads by greenandcleanmom.org
- Feeding America by Various authors
- The Candy Maker’s Guide by Fletcher Manufacturing Company
- Cooking in Style the Costco Way by Kathy Casey, Tim Talevich
- Mom’s Best Recipes – Volume II by Shirley McNevich
- Mom’s Best Recipes – Volume I by Shirley McNevich
- Troubleshooting Methodology for Homebrew by Jason Johnson
- Brewing by Will Wesley, et al.
- The Wine-Drinker’s Manual by Marsh and Miller
- Cheese and Cheese-Making by James Long, John Benson
- Cookbook: Cuisine of the United Kingdom by Wikibooks
- The Candy Maker’s Guide by Fletcher Manufacturing Company
- Culture and Cooking by Catherine Owen
- The Cook’s Decameron by W. G. Waters
Baking Recipes
- The Complete Confectioner, Pastry Cook, and Baker by Edna Evans
- Seventy Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes and Sweetmeats by Royal baking powder company, New York
- Baker’s Favorite Chocolate Recipes A Handbook Of Chocolate Cookery by Walt Baker and Co
- The royal baker and pastry cook a manual of practical cookery by Miss Leslie
- The New Royal Cook Book by Maria Parloa and Janet McKenzie Hill
- Home Bakings by Eleanor Parkinson
- Ice cream, carbonated beverages, with a short introduction to the study of chemistry by Richard Paul Hinkle
- Good Wine The New Basics by Warner-Jenkinson co, St. Louis
- What to drink; the blue book of beverages; recipes and directions for making and serving non alcoholic drinks for all occasions by Karl L. Wilker, Tavis S. Harris, Marilyn B. Odneal and Murli R. Dharmadhikar
Celebrity and TV Chef Cookbooks
- The Picayune Creole cook book by Maria Parloa
- My favourite food for all seasons by Alvin Wood Chase
- Miss Parloa’s New Cook Book by The Picayune
Childrens Cookery Books
- Lets Cook Class Curriculum by Stephanie Hightower Rendulic and Yakama Nation
- Children’s Favorites by U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Jane Louise’s cook book a cook book for children by Louise Price Bell
- A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl by Caroline French Benton
Cooking for Parties
- Home Sweet Home Recipes by Office of Child Nutrition With support from United States Department of Agriculture
- For Luncheon and Supper Guests by Tes
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In a culinary sense, the past few months have tested our agility and ability to adapt. And while I have been squirrelled away and working on this project way before lockdown, I feel even stronger now that these pages may offer a source of comfort where a lot of people feel out of place, and that’s in the Kitchen. - Other free Cooking and Recipe ebooks and resources
General Cookery Recipes
- The thorough good cook; a series of chats on the culinary art, and nine hundred recipes by Marion Harland
- The Kitchen Encyclopedia by Society for Christian Work of the First Unitarian Church, San Francisco, California
- Directions For Cookery, In Its Various Branches by Minneapolis Minn
- The Cookery Blue Book by Society for Christian Work of the First Unitarian Church, San Francisco, California
- Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea by Sala George Augustus and Elizabeth Robins
Healthy Food
- Deliciously Healthy Dinners by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- The Healthy Life Cook Book by Florence Daniel
- Heart Healthy Home Cooking African American Style by United States Department of Agriculture, Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
- Let’s Cook Healthy School Meals by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, U.S
- Food and Health by Letsmove.gov
National and Regional Cuisine
- Chinese Japanese Cook Book by Angelina Maria Collins
- The Italian Cook Book by Jane Cunningham Croly
- The International Jewish Cook Book by Samuel Pegge
Non Vegetarian Recipies
- Blue hen’s chickens’ cook book by Wiki Books
- The Perdue Chicken Cookbook by Mary Harris Frazer
- Beef Cookbook by Wiki Books
- Kentucky Receipt Book by Mitzi Perdue
- Chicken recipes by Milford new century club, Milford Del
Preserving & Freezing
- A Queens Delight The Art of Preserving, Conserving and Candying. As also, A right Knowledge of making Perfumes, and Distilling the most Excellent Waters. by Barbara H. Ingham
- Homemade Pickles and Relishes by Barbara H. Ingham
Vegetarian Recipes
- The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book by Wiki Books
- Vegetable Diet As Sanctioned by Medical Men, and by Experience in All Ages by Mrs. Bowdich
- Vaughan’s Vegetable Cook Book by Anonymous
- New Vegetarian Dishes by William Andrus Alcott
- Cookbook Vegetarian cuisine by Thomas R. Allinson