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140 Awesome Free Ebooks and Tutorials for You to Learn Python

140 Awesome Free Ebooks and Tutorials for You to Learn Python
Python is widely considered one of the easiest programming languages for a beginner to learn, but it is also difficult to master. Anyone can learn Python if they work hard enough at it, but becoming a Python Developer will require a lot of practice and patience. Because the readability and other structural elements of Python are designed to be easy to understand, especially for English speakers, it’s relatively easy to learn. This is a great first or second language for beginners. However, Python is not limited to basic use.

Can You Teach Yourself Python? Yes, it’s very possible to learn Python on your own. There are a wide variety of learning resources available on the web to help you learn Python for everything from game development to robotics. Teaching yourself Python does take time, though.

With an exponentially growing community around data science, machine learning, AI, web dev and more, Python is a language that opens programming access to the world. The list goes on for why we think it’s a good idea to learn Python programming, whether you’re new to coding or an experienced dev. These resources will cover Django, Flask, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), Video Tutorials, Python Resources and a list of websites in which you can test out your skills.

140 Awesome Free Ebooks and Tutorials for You to Learn Python

  1. 100 Page Python Intro by Sundeep Agarwal
  2. A Beginner’s Python Tutorial by Wikibooks
  3. A Byte of Python by Swaroop C H
  4. A Guide to Python’s Magic Methods by Rafe Kettler
  5. A Practical Introduction to Python Programming by Brian Heinold
  6. A Programmer’s Guide to Data Mining by Ron Zacharski
  7. Annotated Algorithms in Python – With applications in Physics, Biology, and Finance by Massimo Di Pierro
  8. Architecture Patterns with Python: Enabling Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, and Event-Driven Microservices by Harry J.W. Percival, Bob Gregory
  9. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart
  10. Bioinformatics in Python by Jeff Chang, Brad Chapman, Iddo Friedberg, Thomas Hamelryck, Michiel de Hoon, Peter Cock, Tiago Antao, Eric Talevich, Bartek Wilczy´nski
  11. Boxes: Your Second Python Book by Roberto Alcina
  12. Build applications in Python the Antitextbook by thewhitetulip
  13. Build websites with Web2Py by Massimo Di Pierro
  14. Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design by Steve F. Lot
  15. Clean Architectures in Python: A practical approach to better software design by Leonardo Giordani
  16. Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python by David Goodger
  17. Code With Python Projects for Beginners by Ritza
  18. Codeacademy Python by Codecademy
  19. Coding Games With Pygame Zero & Python by Richard Smith
  20. Coffee Break Python Slicing: 24 Workouts to Master Slicing in Python, Once and for All by Dr. Christian Mayer
  21. Coffee Break Python: 50 Workouts to Kickstart Your Rapid Code Understanding in Python by Dr. Christian Mayer
  22. Composing Programs by John DeNero (Python 3)
  23. Cracking Codes with Python by Al Sweigart
  24. Create a Simple Flask Application with Cloud9, Heroku and MongoDB by Douglas Starnes
  25. Create Simple GUI Applications by Martin Fitzpatrick
  26. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python by Rance D. Necaise (Python 3, PDF)
  27. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python by B. R. Preiss (PDF)
  28. Deep Learning with Python by Francois Chollet
  29. Design Patterns in Python by Alexander Shvets, Andrei Boyanov
  30. Digital Signal Processing in Python (Think DSP) by Allen Downey
  31. DigitalOcean eBook: How To Code in Python by Lisa Tagliaferri
  32. Django Girls Beyond The Basics by Django Girls
  33. Django Girls Intro by Django Girls
  34. Django Official Documentation by Django Software Foundation (PDF) v1.10
  35. Djen of Django by Agiliq
  1. Effective Pandas by Tom Augspurger
  2. Explore Flask by Robert Picard
  3. Exploring Python Basics by Naomi Ceder
  4. From Python to NumPy by Nicolas P. Rougier
  5. Full Speed Python by João Ventura
  6. Full Stack Python by Matt Makai
  7. Getting Started With Python In The Lab: An Introductory Python Tutorial For Life Scientists by Gordon Webster
  8. Google’s Python Class by Google (Python 3, HTML)
  9. Google’s Python Style Guide by Google
  10. Hacking Secret Cyphers with Python by Al Sweigart (Python 3, PDF)
  11. Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python! by Kenneth Reitz (Python 3, PDF)
  12. How To Code in Python by Lisa Tagliaferri
  13. How to Tango With Django by Leif Azzopardi, David Maxwell
  14. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python by Allen B. Downey, Jeff Elkner and Chris Meyers
  15. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, Interactive Edition by Jeff (Python 3)
  16. Intermediate Python by Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid
  17. Introduction to Programming with Python by OpenTechSchool (Python 3)
  18. Introduction to Scientific Computing in Python by Kracekumar (Python 2.7.3)
  19. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python by Al Sweigart
  20. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python 3rd Edition by Al Sweigart
  21. Kivy Programming Guide by Kivy
  22. Learn Pandas by Hernan Rojas
  23. Learn Python in Y minutes by Louie Dinh, Steven Basart, Andre Polykanine, Zachary Ferguson, evuez, Rommel Martinez, Roberto Fernandez Diaz, caminsha
  24. Learn Python the Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw (Python 2)
  25. Learn Python the Right Way by Ritza
  26. Learn Python With Arcade Academy by Paul Vincent Craven
  27. Learn Python, Break Python by Scott Grant
  28. Learn Web Programming by Hernan Rojas
  29. Learning Python by Mark Lutz
  30. Learning to Program by Alan Gauld
  31. Lectures on scientific computing with python by J.R. Johansson (Python 2.7)
  32. Machine Learning from Scratch: Derivations in Concept and Code by Danny Friedman
  33. Make Games with Graphics by Al Sweigart
  34. Make Games With Python by Sean M. Tracey – The mag Pi
  35. Making Games with Python & Pygame by Al Sweigart
  1. Math for programmers (using Python) by Akuli
  2. Modeling and Simulation in Python by Allen Downey
  3. Natural Language Processing with Python by Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, Edward Loper
  4. Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen
  5. Non-Programmer’s Tutorial for Python 2.6 by Wikibooks (Python 2.6)
  6. Non-Programmer’s Tutorial for Python 3 by Josh Cogliati
  7. OBI Intermediate Python by Obi Ike-Nwosu
  8. Object Oriented Programming with Python by Ashwin Pajankar, Sushant Garg – LeanPub
  9. Porting to Python 3: An In-Depth Guide by Lennart Regebro (Python 2 + 3)
  10. Practical Programming in Python by Jeffrey Elkner (PDF)
  11. Practical Python Programming by David Beazley
  12. Practices of the Python Pro by Dane Hillard
  13. Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers by Cam Davidson-Pilon
  14. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python by Brad Miller, David Ranum
  15. Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame by Paul Vincent Craven
  16. Programming Computer Vision with Python by Jan Erik Solem – O’Reilly
  17. PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python by Dr. Marc Lichtman
  18. Python & OpenGL for Scientific Visualization by Nicolas Rougier
  19. Python 101 by Michael Driscoll
  20. Python 2 Official Documentation by Python Software Foundation
  21. Python 201 — (Slightly) Advanced Python Topics by Dave Kuhlman
  22. Python 3 Basics Tutorial by Dr. Kristian Rother
  23. Python 3 Official Documentation by Python Software Foundation
  24. Python 3 Patterns, Recipes and Idioms by Bruce Eckel
  25. Python 3 Tutorial by Akuli
  26. Python Bibliotheca by Jeffrey Elkner
  27. Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas
  28. Python Design Patterns by Brandon Rhodes
  29. Python for Astronomers by Imad Pasha, Christopher Agostino
  30. Python For Everybody by Charles R. Severance
  31. Python for Everybody Exploring Data Using Python 3 by Charles Severance (PDF, EPUB, HTML)
  32. Python For Fun by Chris Meyers
  33. Python for Informatics: Exploring Information by Charles R. Severance (Python 2)
  34. Python for network engineers by Natasha Samoylenko, translated by Aidar Khairullin
  35. Python for Scientists and Engineers by Shantnu Tiwari
  1. Python for you and me by Kushal Das (Python 3)
  2. Python For You and Me by Kushal Das (Core Dev)
  3. Python in Hydrology by Sat Kumar Tomer
  4. Python Koans by Greg Malcolm (Python 2 or 3)
  5. Python Module of the Week by Doug Hellmann (Python 2)
  6. Python Module of the Week by Doug Hellmann (Python 3)
  7. Python Notes For Professionals by Goalkicker
  8. Python One-Liners (Videos) by Dr. Christian Mayer
  9. Python Practice Book by Anand Chitipothu
  10. Python Practice Projects by Louie Dinh
  11. Python Programming by Wikibooks (PDF, Python 2)
  12. Python re(gex)? by Sundeep Agarwal
  13. Python Scientific Lecture Notes by various authors
  14. Python Tips: Intermediate Python by Muhammad Yasoob Ullah Khalid
  15. Quick Tutorial for Pyramid by Agendaless Consulting
  16. Snake Wrangling For Kids by Jason R Briggs (Python 3)
  17. Supporting Python3 by Lennart Regebro
  18. Teaching and Learning with Jupyter by Lorena A. Barba, Lecia J. Barker, Douglas S. Blank, Jed Brown, Allen B. Downey, Timothy George, Lindsey J. Heagy, Kyle T. Mandli, Jason K. Moore, David Lippert, Kyle E. Niemeyer, Ryan R. Watkins, Richard H. West, Elizabeth Wickes, Carol Willing, and Michael Zingale
  19. Test-Driven Web Development with Python by Harry Percival
  20. Text Processing in Python by David Mertz
  21. The Coder’s Apprentice by Pieter Spronck
  22. The Definitive Guide to Jython, Python for the Java Platform by Josh Juneau, Jim Baker, Victor Ng, Leo Soto, Frank Wierzbicki (Python 2)
  23. The Flask Mega-Tutorial by Miguel Grinberg
  24. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python. by Kenneth Reitz
  25. The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns by QuantifiedCode
  26. The Programming Historian by William J. Turkel, Adam Crymble and Alan MacEachern
  27. The Python Coding Book: Understanding What Programming Really Is by Stephen Gruppetta
  28. The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial by Python Software Foundation
  29. Think Bayes by Allen Downey
  30. Think Complexity by Allen Downey
  31. Think Data Structures by Allen Downey
  32. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen B. Downey (Python 2 + 3, PDF)
  33. Think Stats by Allen Downey
  34. Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook by Matt Harrison (Python 3)
  35. Wikibooks: Python Programming by Wikibooks