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Free Ebooks and Learning Resources by Oxford University Press

Free Ebooks and Learning Resources by Oxford University Press

It’s been a challenging start to the year with COVID-19 causing disruption across our work and personal lives. As a not-for-profit organisation, Oxford’s heart is in supporting teaching and learning and our highest priority right now is ensuring you have access to the resources you need to support your students, while making sure everyone stays healthy and safe. With this in mind they wanted to provide information on how they can support you. They’re currently providing learning resources for primary, secondary, higher education and ELT in various forms and formats. Gain free digital access to Oxford Owl digital resources, Professional Learning Series on Best Practice Comprehension Teaching, free ebooks, Australia’s Largest Online Story-Writing Event and many more! There are way more materials and resources on their website, so browse away and stay safe!

Free Ebooks and Learning Resources by Oxford University Press

by Oxford University Press (Various Formats)

Free Ebooks and Learning Resources by Oxford University Press