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Death Wish

Death Wish

Thalia’s job as a tooth fairy is almost too easy, until her first shift in the Courier Department. Caught up in a freak accident and corrupted by rotten teeth, she’s transformed into a creature that shouldn’t exist. Armed with new powers she doesn’t understand, Thalia embarks on a journey to find herself, and stop an otherworldly being from destroying fairykind. This online fantasy / magical novel has 16 chapters.


‘And that concludes our training segment on ‘Dangers in the Field,” Ms. Georgina said as the old film clunked to a halt and the screen behind her went blank. ‘Questions?’

Silence. Then a short, timid fairy in the third row raised her hand. ‘Are there really…lizards out there?’

‘Do you think I would waste my time educating you on Dangers in the Field if those Dangers were non-existent?’ Ms. Georgina snapped. ‘Of course there are lizards!’

‘It’s just…I’m very afraid of lizards.’

Death Wish

by Olivia Macdougall (Online)

Death Wish