Apple Search Ads: The Complete, Always-Updated Guide

When you hearthe term ‘high-quality installs’, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? It is probably users who have a high retention rate and, eventually, they bring money to your app. Since its launch in November, 2016, Apple’s Search Ads has been found to be the most effective app advertising channel for getting more target users at lower costs.
For as little as $1 perinstall big players, medium app developers and startups can all get users whose quality can compete with organic traffic coming from the App Store Search. But despite growing popularity and a fairly low cost perinstall of this user acquisition method, the question we get most here at SearchAdsHQ is:
How do I get started with Apple App Store Ads?
User acquisition managers have got used to banner ads within Facebook, Google AdMob and ad marketplaces. What helps them to optimize campaigns and maximize ROI here is deep understanding of the target audience. They use wide targeting options to increase tap-through rate (TTR) and a quality of the incoming traffic.
Apple App Store Ads may feel alien to gurus in banner ads as instead of audience and visuals, keywords play the main role. Who is sure to fit in here are Google Adwords and keyword optimization specialists. Whatever your experience in contextual ads and company size are, we’d love to make it easy for you to startrunning Apple App Store Ads.