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Search Results for: python

140 Awesome Free Ebooks and Tutorials for You to Learn Python

With an exponentially growing community around data science, machine learning, AI, web dev and more, Python is a language that opens programming access to the world. The list goes on for why we think it’s a good idea to learn Python programming, whether you’re new to coding or an experienced dev. These resources will cover Django, Flask, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), Tutorials, other Python Resources and a list of websites in which you can test out your skills.

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Python for Everybody – Exploring Data Using Python 3

The goal of this book is to provide an Informatics-oriented introduction to programming. The primary difference between a computer science approach and the Informatics approach taken in this book is a greater focus on using Python to solve data analysis problems common in the world of Informatics.

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How To Code in Python 3

You’ll begin your exploration in Python by understanding the key differences between Python 3 and the previous versions of the language. From there, you’ll set up a programming environment for your relevant local or server-based system, and begin by learning general Python code structure, syntax, and data types.

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Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

If you want to learn how to program, working with Python is an excellent way to start. This hands-on guide takes you through the language one step at a time, beginning with basic programming concepts before moving on to functions, recursion, data structures, and object-oriented design.

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