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4 Free Christian Ebooks by Evan Ansot

4 Free Christian Ebooks by Evan Ansot

1. The Great Awakening
We desire a change in direction and we are in dire need of new information which tells us all exactly who we really are, sons and daughters of the living God! We’ve been hoodwinked into thinking otherwise, and it’s time to lift the veil. Jesus of Nazareth showed us the way, overcame the world, and achieved the highest level of Christ consciousness. Each one of us is capable of doing the same. ‘Why do you marvel at these miracles? These things and more shall you also do’.

2. Thy Kingdom Come
This book was given to me by the Angels, Thomas, Samuel, and Elizabeth, to give to you, the saints of the most high. I have been chosen to be the Angels scribe. This is their interpretation of the signs, miracles, and wonders in the controversial Book of Revelations.

Descriptions of the seven churches, the four horsemen, the dragon, the woman, mystery Babylon, the two beasts, and more await all those that peer into the minds of the heavenly host. Their message is direct and written for the masses. Thy Kingdom Come is packed with a new and alternative theme written for the upcoming tribulation saints. Always remember to fear not, for God is with you.

3. Blood Royal
Four thousand years ago, a man made an agreement with his God that would change the world. The ramifications of that agreement are still being felt today on a wide scale basis. Part of that agreement was that all the world would be blessed through the man’s seed, creating a Holy Royal Bloodline which would eventually lead to the Anointed one.

Beginning with Abraham, to his great grandson Judah, to King David, and to Jesus and beyond, this controversial bloodline is sending shock waves today felt from Australia, to Italy, to Egypt, and finally Israel.

Through a series of events beginning in 1985, a man finds out he is the carrier of the Holy Royal Bloodline, and that he has children scattered on four different continents. Each one of these prophesied children are chosen for a final mission on Earth. A mission that began four thousand years ago with a prophet from the desert, and a God he believed in.

4. Archangel
This is the second book of the ‘Blood Royal’ series. It’s a series of books based upon messages given from the Holy Spirit, and Biblical prophecy. A prophecy that began four thousand years ago, when a man made an agreement with his God that would change the world, affecting billions of people. The ramifications of that agreement are still being felt today on a wide scale basis. Part of that agreement was that all the world would be blessed through the man’s seed, creating a Holy Royal Bloodline which would eventually lead to the Anointed one. The prophesied Messiah who will rule all nations, and lead this planet into the Golden Age.

Beginning with Abraham, to his great grandson Judah, to King David, and to Jesus and beyond, this controversial bloodline is sending shock waves today felt throughout the world.

Through a series of events beginning in 1985, a man finds out he is the carrier of the Holy Royal Bloodline, and that he has children scattered on four different continents. Each one of these prophesied children are chosen for a final mission on Earth. A mission that began four thousand years ago with a prophet from the desert, and a God he believed in.

Archangel is a book about one of those chosen children of the Holy Royal Bloodline.

4 Free Christian Ebooks by Evan Ansot

by Evan Ansot (PDF) – 4 ebooks

4 Free Christian Ebooks by Evan Ansot