35 Fast One Sentence Summaries of Popular Books (Spoilers Ahead)
It’s ok to be lazy sometimes, especially when you have to read hundred of pages to get to know a story from a book, but of course you’ll miss out all the fun, plots and the extra details. The chance of immersing yourself into the great details and the essence of the book is diminished. But in the spirit of knowing things better and getting things done faster, this video will give you the knowledge of 35 popular books in just 1 sentence each.
Call it a shortcut, a lazy man’s reading style, super speed reading or even ways to review a book whether it’s worth reading. Please be warned that, there’ll be spoilers in these summaries, so proceed with extreme caution if you don’t want to spoil any of your future reading experience. We hope you enjoy this compilation, and don’t forget to visit and subscribe to our Youtube Channel!
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