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20 Sites with Reading / Writing Friendly Background Music
![20 Sites with Reading / Writing Friendly Background Music](https://www.getfreeebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/readwritebgmusictitle-1.jpg)
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” – Plato
Silence is golden but with the proper instrumental music, you’ll intensify your reading experience. Music is a well known comfort factor, it heals your soul, provides relaxation and increases concentration, so why not couple it with reading? And this post does exactly that – we’re recommending a reasonably long list of audios from wide diversity of sites which we think qualify as perfect companions when you start engaging that favourite book of yours. Not to mention that these resources can be used when writing as well – so if time is not on your side and you just need to get that perfect environment anywhere and anytime you want, this post is for you. Let’s get started…
These sites / apps include:-
1. Mynoise.net
Browser, iOS App – Almost every kind of noise imaginable (mixer provided for sound customizations)
Click on the link below to visit the site:-
Mynoise.net (Browser, iOS App)
2. Soundrown.com
Browser – Coffee shop, rain, waves, fire, birds (Can be combined)
Click on the link below to visit the site:-
Soundrown.com (Browser)
3. Coffitivity.com
Browser, iOS / Android / Mac Desktop App – Coffee shop
Click on the link below to visit the site:-
Coffitivity.com (Browser, iOS / Android / Mac Desktop App)
4. Asoftmurmur.com
Browser – Rain, thunder, fireplace, waves, birds, wind, crickets, people, singing bowl, white noise (can be combined)
Click on the link below to visit the site:-
Asoftmurmur.com (Browser)
5. Noisli.com
Browser, iOS App – Rain, thunderstorm, wind, forest, leaves, water stream, seaside, water, bonfire, summer night, coffee shop, train night, fan shop, white / pink / brown noise (can be combined)
Click on the link below to visit the site:-
Noisli.com (Browser, iOS App)
6. Ambient-mixer.com
Browser – Environmental, Human, Music, Nature, Relaxing, RPG, Technical, Unreal (Mixer is provided for audio combinations)
Click on the link below to visit the site:-
Ambient-mixer.com (Browser)
- Calm.com (Calm, soothing sounds) (Browser, iOS App) [View / Download]
- Jazzandrain.com (Jazz, rain) (Browser) [View / Download]
- Rainymood.com (Rain) (Browser (Free), iOS / Android App (Not Free)) [View / Download]
- Simplynoise.com (White, pink, brown noise) (Browser (Free), iOS App (Not Free)) [View / Download]
- Rainycafe.com (Rain, coffee shop (can be combined)) (Browser) [View / Download]
- Classyfireplace.com (Rain and piano) (Browser) [View / Download]
- Di.fm (Space) (Browser) [View / Download]
- Raining.fm (Rain, thunder (can be combined, mixer provided)) (Browser (Free), iOS / Android App (Not Free)) [View / Download]
- Musicforprogramming.net (Instrumental music) (Mp3) [View / Download]
- Thelibrary.fm (Library, Children’s Room) (Browser) [View / Download]
- Pianoandrain.com (Rain, piano) (Browser) [View / Download]
- PianoandWaves.com (Waves, piano) (Browser) [View / Download]
- Rain.nxe7.com (Rain + music) (Browser) [View / Download]
- Solopianoradio.com (Piano) (Browser (Free with commercials)) [View / Download]