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20 Books Suggested by 7th Graders – Part #1

These are 20 books suggested by 7th Graders for your reading pleasure. Sometimes when we’re at a dead end, searching for the next book to read, or inspirations to search for the next great book, we tend to rely on popular figures, celebrities, even close friends to recommend. But have you ever thought asking the group of people with the most active and wildest imagination ever? Let’s ask young children, particularly in this case – 7th graders. Perhaps if you’re stuck somewhere and have no idea what to read next, this would be a great reference point.

Although we must admit that through this findings, the results could be somewhat limited considering the age group, but golden nuggets and treasures can be found anywhere if we open our minds and explore further. We hope you’ll find some interesting books to read, or even some that you can introduce to your young kids at home from this list. We’re breaking this up to 2 parts, so stay tuned for the 2nd part soon. Happy reading! We hope you enjoy this compilation, and don’t forget to visit and subscribe to our Youtube Channel!

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