12 Most Interesting Terms You Ought to Know From The Bookworm World – Part #2
When it comes to the world of books, there are hundreds of unusual and interesting words that some of us might not know. Not even a native speaker knows all the words of his own language, let alone a hardcore bookworm. This time around we’re covering a more less technical set of terms, but nonetheless pretty interesting to know when were they appeared first and what’s their alternate meanings.
You’ll be surprised that most of the common words used have been adopted to the long list of words in main lexicons today, originally appeared in books. Some even were engineered by famous authors while they were working with highly established universities in the past. Didn’t know how the word paper, book or even the Bible come from? If you wish to know how certain words and terms come about into the literature world, than this video is just for you. Stay tuned for more similar videos such as this in the future as we have more coming up…
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