11 Free Science Ebooks

11 Free Science Ebooks
by Various Authors
These ebooks include:-
- Advanced Biometric Technologies by Girija Chetty and Jucheng Yang
- Cancer Stem Cells – The Cutting Edge by Stanley Shostak
- Advances in Ceramics – Characterization, Raw Materials, Processing, Properties, Degradation and Healing by Costas Sikalidis
- Advances in Ceramics – Synthesis and Characterization, Processing and Specific Applications by Costas Sikalidis
- Chemistry, Emission Control, Radioactive Pollution and Indoor Air Quality by Nicolas Mazzeo
- Advances in Econometrics – Theory and Applications by Miroslav Verbic
- Electroretinograms by Gregor Belusic
- Alternative Fuel by Maximino Manzanera
- Advances in Nanocomposite Technology by Abbass Hashim
- DNA Replication-Current Advances by Herve Seligmann
- Graphene Simulation by Jian Ru Gong
by Girija Chetty and Jucheng Yang
The methods for human identity authentication based on biometrics – the physiological and behavioural characteristics of a person have been evolving continuously and seen significant improvement in performance and robustness over the last few years. However, most of the systems reported perform well in controlled operating scenarios, and their performance deteriorates significantly under real world operating conditions, and far from satisfactory in terms of robustness and accuracy, vulnerability to fraud and forgery, and use of acceptable and appropriate authentication protocols.
To address some challenges, and the requirements of new and emerging applications, and for seamless diffusion of biometrics in society, there is a need for development of novel paradigms and protocols, and improved algorithms and authentication techniques. This book volume on ‘Advanced Biometric Technologies’ is dedicated to the work being pursued by researchers around the world in this area, and includes some of the recent findings and their applications to address the challenges and emerging requirements for biometric based identity authentication systems.
The book consists of 18 Chapters and is divided into four sections namely novel approaches, advanced algorithms, emerging applications and the multimodal fusion. The book was reviewed by editors Dr. Girija Chetty and Dr. Jucheng Yang We deeply appreciate the efforts of our guest editors: Dr. Norman Poh, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park and Dr. Sook Yoon, as well as a number of anonymous reviewers.
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Advanced Biometric Technologies – 382 pages, 21.39 MB (PDF)
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by Stanley Shostak
Over the last thirty years, the foremost inspiration for research on metastasis, cancer recurrence, and increased resistance to chemo- and radiotherapy has been the notion of cancer stem cells.The twenty-eight chapters assembled in Cancer Stem Cells – The Cutting Edge summarize the work of cancer researchers and oncologists at leading universities and hospitals around the world on every aspect of cancer stem cells, from theory and models to specific applications (glioma), from laboratory research on signal pathways to clinical trials of bio-therapies using a host of devices, from solutions to laboratory problems to speculation on cancers’ stem cells’ evolution.
Cancer stem cells may or may not be a subset of slowly dividing cancer cells that both disseminate cancers and defy oncotoxic drugs and radiation directed at rapidly dividing bulk cancer cells, but research on cancer stem cells has paid dividends for cancer prevention, detection, targeted treatment, and improved prognosis.
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Cancer Stem Cells – The Cutting Edge – 606 pages, 29.08 (PDF)
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by Costas Sikalidis
The current book consists of eighteen chapters divided into three sections. Section I includes nine topics in characterization techniques and evaluation of advanced ceramics dealing with newly developed photothermal, ultrasonic and ion spattering techniques, the neutron irradiation and the properties of ceramics, the existence of a polytypic multi-structured boron carbide, the oxygen isotope exchange between gases and nanoscale oxides and the evaluation of perovskite structures ceramics for sensors and ultrasonic applications.
Section II includes six topics in raw materials, processes and mechanical and other properties of conventional and advanced ceramic materials, dealing with the evaluation of local raw materials and various types and forms of wastes for ceramics production, the effect of production parameters on ceramic properties, the evaluation of dental ceramics through application parameters and the reinforcement of ceramics by fibers.
Section III, includes three topics in degradation, aging and healing of ceramic materials, dealing with the effect of granite waste addition on artificial and natural degradation bricks, the effect of aging, micro-voids, and self-healing on mechanical properties of glass ceramics and the crack-healing ability of structural ceramics.
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Advances in Ceramics – Characterization, Raw Materials, Processing, Properties, Degradation and Healing – 370 pages, 45.34 MB (PDF)
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by Costas Sikalidis
The current book contains twenty-two chapters and is divided into three sections. Section I consists of nine chapters which discuss synthesis through innovative as well as modified conventional techniques of certain advanced ceramics (e.g. target materials, high strength porous ceramics, optical and thermo-luminescent ceramics, ceramic powders and fibers) and their characterization using a combination of well known and advanced techniques.
Section II is also composed of nine chapters, which are dealing with the aqueous processing of nitride ceramics, the shape and size optimization of ceramic components through design methodologies and manufacturing technologies, the sinterability and properties of ZnNb oxide ceramics, the grinding optimization, the redox behaviour of ceria based and related materials, the alloy reinforcement by ceramic particles addition, the sintering study through dihedral surface angle using AFM and the surface modification and properties induced by a laser beam in pressings of ceramic powders.
Section III includes four chapters which are dealing with the deposition of ceramic powders for oxide fuel cells preparation, the perovskite type ceramics for solid fuel cells, the ceramics for laser applications and fabrication and the characterization and modeling of protonic ceramics.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Advances in Ceramics – Synthesis and Characterization, Processing and Specific Applications – 520 pages, 53.28 MB (PDF)
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by Nicolas Mazzeo
The atmosphere may be our most precious resource. Accordingly, the balance between its use and protection is a high priority for our civilization. While many of us would consider air pollution to be an issue that the modern world has resolved to a greater extent, it still appears to have considerable influence on the global environment. In many countries with ambitious economic growth targets the acceptable levels of air pollution have been transgressed. Serious respiratory disease related problems have been identified with both indoor and outdoor pollution throughout the world. The 25 chapters of this book deal with several air pollution issues grouped into the following sections: a) air pollution chemistry; b) air pollutant emission control; c) radioactive pollution and d) indoor air quality.
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Chemistry, Emission Control, Radioactive Pollution and Indoor Air Quality – 680 pages, 26.42 MB (PDF)
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by Miroslav Verbic
Econometrics is becoming a highly developed and highly mathematicized array of its own sub disciplines, as it should be, as economies are becoming increasingly complex, and scientific economic analyses require progressively thorough knowledge of solid quantitative methods. This book thus provides recent insight on some key issues in econometric theory and applications.
The volume first focuses on three recent advances in econometric theory: non-parametric estimation, instrument generating functions, and seasonal volatility models. Additionally, three recent econometric applications are presented: continuous time duration analysis, panel data analysis dealing with endogeneity and selectivity biases, and seemingly unrelated regression analysis. Intended as an electronic edition, providing immediate ‘open access’ to its content, the book is easy to follow and will be of interest to professionals involved in econometrics.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Advances in Econometrics – Theory and Applications – 116 pages, 1.39 MB (PDF)
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by Gregor Belusic
Electroretinography (ERG) is a non-invasive electrophysiological method which provides objective information about the function of the retina. Advanced ERG allows to assay the different types of retinal receptors and neurons in human and animal models. This book presents contributions on the recent state of the ERG.
The book is divided into three parts. The first, methodological part, reviews standard methods and normatives of human ERG, reports about the advanced spatial, temporal and spectral methods of stimulation in human ERG, and deals with the analysis of the multifocal ERG signal. The second part deals with the ERG in different diseases of the human visual system and in diabetes. The third part presents the ERG in the standard animal models of human retinal disease: mouse, rat, macaque and fruitfly.
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Electroretinograms – 238 pages, 15.56 MB (PDF)
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by Maximino Manzanera
Renewable energy sources such as biodiesel, bioethanol, biomethane, biomass from wastes or hydrogen are subject of great interest in the current energy scene. These fuels contribute to the reduction of prices and dependence on fossil fuels. In addition, energy sources such as these could partially replace the use of what is considered as the major factor responsible for global warming and the main source of local environmental pollution.
For these reasons they are known as ‘alternative fuels’. There is an urgent need to find and optimise the use of alternative fuels to provide a net energy gain, to be economically competitive and to be producible in large quantities without compromising food resources.
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Alternative Fuel – 346 pages, 19.68 MB (PDF)
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by Abbass Hashim
The book ‘Advances in Nanocomposite Technology’ contains 16 chapters divided in three sections. Section one, ‘Electronic Applications’, deals with the preparation and characterization of nanocomposite materials for electronic applications and studies. In section two, ‘Material Nanocomposites’, the advanced research of polymer nanocomposite material and polymer-clay, ceramic, silicate glass-based nanocomposite and the functionality of graphene nanocomposites is presented.
The ‘Human and Bioapplications’ section is describing how nanostructures are synthesized and draw attention on wide variety of nanostructures available for biological research and treatment applications. We believe that this book offers broad examples of existing developments in nanocomposite technology research and an excellent introduction to nanoelectronics, nanomaterial applications and bionanocomposites.
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Advances in Nanocomposite Technology – 374 pages, 58.25 MB (PDF)
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by Herve Seligmann
The study of DNA advanced human knowledge in a way comparable to the major theories in physics, surpassed only by discoveries such as fire or the number zero. However, it also created conceptual shortcuts, beliefs and misunderstandings that obscure the natural phenomena, hindering its better understanding.
The deep conviction that no human knowledge is perfect, but only perfectible, should function as a fair safeguard against scientific dogmatism and enable open discussion. With this aim, this book will offer to its readers 30 chapters on current trends in the field of DNA replication. As several contributions in this book show, the study of DNA will continue for a while to be a leading front of scientific activities.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
DNA Replication-Current Advances – 694 pages, 31.46 MB (PDF)
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by Jian Ru Gong
Graphene, a conceptually new class of materials in condensed-matter physics, has been the interest of many theoretical studies due to the extraordinary thermal, mechanical and electrical properties for a long time. This book is a collection of the recent theoretical work on graphene from many experts, and will help readers to have a thorough and deep understanding in this fast developing field.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Graphene Simulation – 376 pages, 19.13 MB (PDF)
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