109 Free Horror Ebooks, Web Serials and Short Stories

What are you thoughts on the effect of horror has on us and the experiences we all go through? We understand everyone reacts to horror differently, and that there are variables like setting the mood, night time, etc. For us, the one that really could give the creepy vibes just by thinking about it it was Pet Sematary. The Shining was, to no great surprise, a fantastically creepy book. There was at least one time when I was literally too scared to turn the page. After reading the Haunting of Hill House, it made me realize that there’s a whole great big world of fantastic horror stories beyond just Jack Torrance, Pennywise, Kurt Barlow, Louis Creed and Annie Wilkes.
What horror book(s) have you guys felt did really well at digging into your own personal psyche and delivering that perfect punch of horrendous fear even in one’s own home? What book has scared the bejeesus out of you or disturbed you for days after? Where and how did you read it? Did you get in a mood? Set the atmosphere?
In this compilation, feel free to browse through 109 free horror ebooks, web-serials and short stories. Hunting and wanting to gain a new level of spookiness? Try going through these 109 titles and let us know what you think!
109 Free Horror Ebooks, Web Serials and Short Stories
- A Book of Ghosts by S. Baring-Gould
- A Guide to City Living, by John Desmond by Dan Sos
- A Second Coming by Richard Marsh
- Akumu Love Panic! by Illise Montoya
- All Kinds of Things Kill by Robert R. Best
- Antlers, Colorado by Marn
- As They Walk Among Us by William Long aka Weeble
- At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft
- Banter by M.J. Moore
- Blood of a Marionette by Timothy Sparklin
- Contrarion by Anton Shine
- Corpse Wars by Al Bruno III
- Creepy Crawly by Kitt Moss
- Dark Blood by Guy Matte
- Dark Icon Original Fiction by Dark Icon
- Dead Too, Rights by Jaeger
- Delta Flight by Michael Hughes
- Demons and Deadlines by Rebekah Webb
- Do Not Take the Shells by Berber
- Don’t Feed The Dark by Scott Scherr
- Dracula by Bram Stoker
- Eden by Jane Doe
- Entirely Presenting You by Nippoten
- Fate’s Fool by Justin L. Dew
- flesh phantoms by Alan P. Scott
- Fool – The Forest by Slade Womack
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- Fresh Monsters by Mike
- Guns n’ Graves by Jim Bronyaur
- He by H.P. Lovecraft
- Heku : Book 1 of the Heku Series by T.M. Nielsen
- Hell on Rails by Kirk Allmond
- Hell Paso by j. kelly
- In A Season Of Dead Weather by Mark Fuller Dillon
- In the Midnight of His Heart by Al Bruno III
- In the Valley of the Sun by MedleyMisty
- In This Twilight by Al Bruno III
- Kitt’s Urban Legends by Kitt Moss
- Material Things by Kody Boye
- Men of the Deep Waters by William Hope Hodgson
- Mostly Dead Girls by Maureen T.
- Murkland by Chris George
- New Valenar by Mikhail Bonch-Osmolovskiy
- Pact by Wildbow
- Peter and the Vampires by Darren Pillsbury
- Project: Freeflow by Thomas Knapp and Mary Ebert
- Rebirth by Scott McKenzie
- Rebirth in Darkness by Shroudphoenix
- Running Scared by Various Authors
- Safe as Houses by Michael Litzky
- Sam at the End of the World by Michael Cooper
- Scary True by Scared
- Shadow by Chris George
- Sin Eater by Emma Mohr
- Small Town Ravaging by SamNye
- Soul View by Jeff Inlo
- Sun-kissed by Kashii
- Sunset by tim the younger
- Tales From A Thousand Worlds by Qorvus
- Tales of Terror and Mystery by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Tattoo by Candace McBride
- The Apocalypse Blog by Melanie Edmonds
- The Best Short Stories of Cliff Burns (1985-2009) by Cliff Burns
- The Blood That Bonds by Christopher Buecheler
- The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft
- The Cold Inside by Al Bruno III
- The Crawlspace of Daryl Ingram by Jason Thornton
- The Dreaming by Tieshaunn Tanner
- The Franklin Castle by Daune O’Shaunnessey
- The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen
- The Haunter of the Dark by H.P. Lovecraft
- The Hill Of Dreams by Arthur Machen
- The House of the Vampire by George Sylvester Viereck
- The Iron Teeth by ClearMadness
- The Jewel of Seven Stars by Bram Stoker
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
- The Local Heroes by Al Bruno III
- The Magician by Somerset Maugham
- The Man Who Made Monsters by L.P. Loudon and Erin Klitzke
- The Mystery of Choice by Robert W. Chambers
- The Mystery of the Sea by Bram Stoker
- The Night Blogger: Slim To None by Al Bruno III
- The Night Blogger: The Graveyard Game And Other Cemetery Plots by Al Bruno III
- The Order of the Benevolent Souls by Daune O’Shaunnessey
- The Paranormal Saints: Subterranean by Mike Monroe
- The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
- The Rising by Scott McKenzie
- The Sick Land by Jon Hills
- The Snake’s Pass by Bram Stoker
- The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
- The Tale of Ashmores by Weston Ford
- The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
- The Turned by Kase Villand
- The Underverse by Carrie Ann Golden
- The Undying Monster: A Tale of the Fifth Dimension by Jessie Douglas Kerruish
- The Vampyre by John Polidori
- Through the Guts of a Beggar by Robert Swartwood
- Tired of Death by Neil Hartley
- Twig by Wildbow
- Umbra: Unsanctimonious by Alex Davidson
- Unusual Circumstance by Timothy Dumont Jr.
- Valle: Book 2 of the Heku Series by T.M. Nielsen
- Varney the Vampire by Thomas Preskett Prest
- Wandering Ghosts by F. Marion Crawford
- When Graveyards Yawn by G. Wells Taylor
- WISHES by Gregory W. Huber
- With Drawn by The Keeper
- Wylder’s Hand by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- Zombie Bytes: A tale of survival. by Tracy Wilson