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The Rogue Prophet

The Rogue Prophet

The Rogue Prophet by Ron Houston

The Rogue Prophet

by Ron Houston

Lawrence Garnier, a loser with a real but limited gift of foresight, is convinced that his talent is a curse. After he joins the ministry of Bishop Barnes, he realizes his talent is only the tip of a horrific iceberg between good and evil. At a time when faith is the only thing left to cling to,this novel dares its reader to question everything. Just when you thought it was safe to believe.

With the arrival of his new novel, The Rogue Prophet, Ron Houston mastered the art of forcing the readers to examine their own emotional considerations on spiritual beliefs, religious fanaticism and unholy clergymen preying on their flocks. His combination of controversial subject matter with a realistic writing approach makes it impossible to read this book and not examine your own need for or the lack of spiritual guidance. Sure to cause many religious zealots to squirm in their pews, examine the surroundings of their places of worship and address the true motivations behind the services that are provided in the name of God. Yet, it is all a work of fiction. In a time when we think we’ve seen, heard and read it all, Ron Houston’s, The Rogue Prophet, is an entertaining and important piece of work.

‘Undeniably one of the most important books you’ll ever read.’ – Nor Dallas,author

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