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Free eBooks to Empower You into a Life of Abundance

Free eBooks to Empower You into a Life of Abundance has 7 inspirational, positive-guiding to compliment your lifelong personal development process. This site also claims that this page where all the ebooks are located will be updated regularly. Regularly can be a rather subjective term, but hey no harm in bookmarking it and check it out from time to time. Some of the ebooks are …

  1. The Law of Attraction Explained, by Ken Maclean
  2. The Basics of Manifestation, by Ken Maclean
  3. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
  4. The Confidence Booster, by Anna Marie Stewart
  5. Money & Believes, by Aine Belton
  6. I Create Millions, by Christopher Westra
  7. Optimal Thinking, by unknown author

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Free eBooks to Empower You into a Life of Abundance (PDF)