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Free Classic Game Covers: Confessions of An Art Junkie

Free Classic Game Covers: Confessions of An Art Junkie

This book is a must read for computer gamers and artists who enjoy classic cover art of some of their favorite games. The book is visually beautiful and showcases all the classic covers I painted between 1985 and 1994. It also describes what it was like getting the commissions and painting them.

This is a fun read for any one interested in being an artist and wondering what it is like to create classic cover art for games and movies. Told candidly and with a sense of humor you can learn the nostalgic history behind these paintings and many of my other paintings not lost to the digital age.

Classic Game Covers has been in the news around the world including NYT art news, Ars Technica Editor’s Pick, HC Gamer Poland and Kotaku.



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Free Classic Game Covers - Confessions of An Art Junkie

by Mike Winterbauer – PDF (126 pages)

Free Classic Game Covers - Confessions of An Art Junkie by Mike Winterbauer