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Aesop Updated: Fables For The Third Millennium

Aesop Updated: Fables For The Third Millennium

Aesop Updated: Fables For The Third Millennium

Aesop Updated: Fables For The Third Millennium
by Barry Daniels

Aesop’s Fables are timeless, and as relevant today as they were centuries ago. The Fox continues to see the grapes as sour when he can’t reach them, and no doubt he always will. But Aesop never worked in a thirty-story office building or a twenty-level office hierarchy, and never had to deal with a recalcitrant computer or a belligerent boss. He did not encounter bungled messages, suffocating committees, politically correct morons, managers who can’t manage or leaders who can’t lead. So for those of us who do, or did, or one day might, here is a small collection of fables for the people who live and work in the twenty first century.

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Aesop Updated: Fables For The Third Millennium – 69 pages, 1.1Mb (PDF)