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10 Facts About Authors Which Will Surprise You!

The contribution that various authors have made to literature is undoubtedly immeasurable Many authors has in his or her own way made an impact in the world, leaving their mark on society. Many of the facts behind some of the famous authors can be intriguing and enlightening than their finished works for which we all know them. Yes, many famous authors helped build our genre, but there are always facts and stories behind each one of them which will spring all of us right out of our chairs.

Let’s dig deeper into every single author there is, about how they lived and still living their lives enriching everyone with tales of their imaginations. Facts, histories and past events that none of us would have imagined occured in the past, while those rich story of a certain book being written. Everyone has their own favorite author, but only a few can make it on this list for now. Here we present our first coverage of the ten fascinating facts about some of the famous authors of all time.

If you feel that a certain author needs to be on any future list, feel free to leave your comments below. Their spirit lives on in the works that they produced in the course of their lives. So take a short break for a moment, step away from they keyboard, and soak in these facts on few selected eclectic authors.

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